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Showing posts from May, 2018

Sustainable Food and Agriculture Ecosystems

Growing food to meet the demand of diverse types of nutritional requirements for increasing human population, in a way that is not detrimental to human health and the environment, is one of the top agendas around the world. One solution to achieve this is to integrate nature’s values into social and economic system in the context of agriculture and food systems. The global development goals of the United Nations, widely knowns as Sustainable Development Goals include eradication of hunger, poverty alleviation and achievement of health and well-being among other goals, for all by 2030. However, there is large gap in our understanding about the ways in which nutritional food can be produced in sufficient amount and distributed to the needy, without harming nature and human health. Therefore, an alternative approach is required to address the issue of food production, distribution (food and nutritional security) and consumption, by including all positive and negative ext...